Hello, It's Me

Himanshu Jakhmola

And I'm a

Founder & CEO of Jakhmola Enterprise, a Software developer based in Delhi, India, I am passionate about my work and my interests. I love to work on my own and I Activly Contribute to Open-Source Projects and help folks & Community Grow.

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About Me

Software Engineer!

I'm Himanshu, I'm an Up Coming developer with a passion for problem-solving & teaching. an enthusiastic quick learner on the lookout to gain hands-on experience in the technology space. Being a team player and lead at heart, I am always open to new challenges and opportunities to increase my skill set and Contribute and help folks & community grow.

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Our Services

Web Development

Our team of experienced developers uses the latest technologies, to ensure that our clients' websites are user-friendly, responsive, and optimized for search engines.

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Graphic Design

At our company, we offer a range of web design services that are aimed at helping businesses and organizations establish a professional and effective online presence.

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Content Writer

we offer professional content writing services to help businesses and organizations create high-quality, informative content for their websites, blogs, social media.

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Latest Project


3D-Project is React based project, Amazing Animation & 3D Cube made by Three.js.


Portfolio Project is Completly based on Traditional Html5, Css3 & Javascript S86 and Fantastic Animation is All about Css3.


ToDo-List Project is made by Traditional Technology(html,css & JS) but Also EJS Applyed.


Tindog Project is Dogs Tinder App, made by Html5 , Css3 & BootStrap5.

Dice Game

Dice Game Project is fun Multiplayer Game, made by Html5, Css3 & JS. Its a very Popular Multiplayer Game in the World.


Folio. Project is small prototype to fimilar with Animation, which looks really Attractive in First Sight.

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